Past Projects

Marblesheen to Fiberglass - Removing Concrete Cancer

Repairing and resurfacing a marblesheen pool with concrete cancer and a number of other issues.

Project Summary

Marblesheen finishing was a very popular surface of choice in Australia particularly between 1970 – 1990. The marblesheen surface is a mixture of cement and crushed marble and applied using a trowel. The thickness of a marblesheen surface is typically between 5-25 mm, and because of its soft, porous characteristics it tends to wear down over the years.

Common issues we find are with marblesheen include:

  • ‘Drummy’ areas where the surface has become soft and week, separating from the concrete behind.
  • Black spots and rusty patches (concrete cancer) caused by rusted reinforcing material breaching the surface.
  • Calcium build-up and residue.
  • Surface cracks.

In order to complete this project we took the following steps:

  1. Drained pool and removed hydrostatic valve.
  2. Completed a thorough assessment of the pool’s surface looking for ‘drummy’, soft and weak areas.
  3. Removed and replaced ‘drummy’, soft and weak areas.
  4. Removed and replaced all rusted areas.
  5. Grind the surface smooth removing all black-spots, algae, and calcium build-up.
  6. Seal the surface with primer coat (vinyl ester resin).
  7. Applied fibreglass surface.
  8. Applied filler coat (vinyl ester filler).
  9. Completed one final grind to render surface smooth.
  10. Applied top coat (Aquaguard Technology).

Project Details

Project Type:

Repair and Resurfacing

Existing Finish:


Pool Size:

